
 There is nothing greater than

There is nothing greater in life than... 

a life lived for Jesus

faithfully serving God all your life

feet that go to preach the Good News

loving Him with all you are and all you have

breaking your alabaster jar over Jesus

feasting at His table

lying down in green pastures

being led by cloud by day and fire by night

sitting at Jesus' feet

breaking the bread and drinking the cup of Jesus' body and blood

true fear and appreciation of God Almighty

fullness of joy found in His presence

the hope that makes not ashamed

peace that passes all understanding

joy unspeakable and full of glory

being poor in spirit but rich in God

being meek

being merciful

being pure in heart

being hungry and thirsty for righteousness

being a peacemaker

mourning in Jesus

being persecuted as a Christian







Pursue Him and live in the Spirit.

You will have no cause for regret at the end of your days. 

There is nothing greater than: Knowing Him.


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Photo by Yannick Pulver


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