Bulgaria Trip Update #2

Bulgaria trip update #2

 I hope you had a wonderful week! I certainly did; thank you for your prayers! Every single request was answered! Every day I am learning so many new Bulgarian words, and I have grown in love for this country!
Below is a recap on my first week in Bulgaria and some prayer requests for the week ahead! 

Also, last week's update if you missed it is linked here:


'Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.' (1 Corinthians 16:13-14) These were the words God impressed on my heart last week Tuesday on my first morning in Stara Zagora. The starting point for this trip was the love of God and I never want to lose that focus. Reading from 2 Samuel, the Psalms, and Proverbs last week, it struck me that what looks good to people and the selfish ambition of our hearts leads to death (i.e. with Absalom, David's son). The wisdom and fear of the Lord bring good and satisfy our souls. (Proverbs 19:8, 23) I thought to share this encouragement with you all as it's a big part of my learning this week!

You can watch my first week in Bulgaria vlog here:




- Visit to IKEA in Sofia

I was able to purchase 2 tables and 8 chairs for the preschool with money gifted during fundraising! Thank you so much for giving to provide these necessary furnishings for this pioneer project with Tulovo's little ones.


- My first visit to the Gathering place, Tulovo (the One Collective centre in the village we work in) and my first children's club! 

The welcome from the Roma children and teen helpers was incredible! I received so many hugs and smiles and questions! I had one little boy decide at once that: 'you are my sister' and the girls eagerly vied for my approval of their colouring in! They are delightful! I felt it was a very successful entry; despite having limited vocabulary that love language transcended the barriers. This was probably the thing I had most reservations about, would I be received well and would they connect quickly? In an overwhelming answer to prayer: yes!


This was probably the fullest day of our week!

- Met my new language tutor Tsetsa. She loves Jesus and exudes so much joy!

- Trip to Jumbo - this is a shop with lots of children's toys, games and books. I was grateful to find some pre-schooler-suitable books to try out, since I've heard these are hard to source in Bulgaria.

- Roma Church Service - we went to their evening service and this was my first time in the Roma quarter! Afterwards, Margie and I accompanied a little girl who had come alone (at 5 years old!) to find her family, as we are compiling a list of children who could come to the preschool sessions! It was great to meet with some Roma adults who were also very warm! A young teen even taught us some Roma words- another answered prayer!


- My first professional language lesson! It was really helpful as Tsetsa is nailing down those grammar basics! 

- Roma quarter walkabout to meet people. With a long-term teammate, I was privileged to visit a family's house. We also found some more pre-schoolers on our walk including two adorable children who didn't know how old they were! 


- Girls group in Tulovo

- Youth group with worship, pizza, and dancing!

This was another highlight of my week and a big moment for the Gathering Place as Bulgarian youth from a church in the city (Stara Zagora) joined the Roma youth of the village for the first time! In Bulgaria, these ethnic groups rarely mix so it was special to see their deep fellowship. The worship was so pure; I love the Bulgarian songs!


- Children's carnival: In the morning, we threw a little games fair for children in Tulovo! It was a lot of fun and I probably spoke more exclusively in Bulgarian than I had the whole week I hosted the bowling game.

- We also had an 'Intro to Roma culture' Zoom call with local YWAM leaders which was super cool!

- Youth/Young Adults group in Stara Zagora - I felt at home there and got to join in one of the young adults' birthday party!


First church service in Messiah. It was Orthodox Pentecost and it was wonderful to again feel at home in a Spirit-filled church.

Lunch with new friends - international students from England!

Having learnt in our Roma culture call that many Roma struggle with rejection as well as having observed the desperate need for affection and a future to dream about, some key prayer requests for this week are:

1) That I would connect with the Father's heart and be able to share this love with those around me.

2) That I would continue to improve rapidly in speaking and comprehension in Bulgarian.

3) That the Norway team who are with us for a week have a really impactful time.

Thank you again for your support and generosity towards me for this trip. I am truly grateful.

I hope to send these emails every week and sometimes there will be a video/s!




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