Bulgaria Trip Update #4

(Sunset over the city)

 '...His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.'
(Psalm 30:5)

I reflected on this week in the video below!

Preschooler Project Update & Week 3 Vlog

Prayer requests:

1) For the launch of the preschool sessions to go well this Friday, for favour with the parents and for the children to come.

2) For the next parents' meeting to be well attended and for the information shared to be a source of life to them.

3) That we get to speak to the community centre leader again as well as the mayor, and can move forward with our projects there.

4) For continued ease settling and progress in language lessons.

Thank you so much for your prayers! May God bless you and keep you well this week.



This is the welcome sign for the parents meeting, which reads:

'Welcome parents of little children!'

And the little ladybird chocolate was gifted to me by a darling little girl called Simona. Since I first met her on my 4th day here, she has been on my heart and we have connected really well!

            This is the lovely local Roma church!


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