Abide in the Lord's love

A simple acrostic

Allow His love to permeate your heart and break through your defenses

Bind yourself to Him in devotion and swear your undying fealty 

Intimately know and enjoy His presence

Dive into the depths of His heart on adventure in His Kingdom mission

Enter the narrow way that leads to life by choosing to stay faithful to your First love: keeping Him first.

Pithy truths to ABIDE by

Ensconce yourself in all that He is will be and has been. 
For He is good, and His promises are unfailing, and His truth endures for all generations

Blessings will be on your hands when you love the Lord your God first, and Him only do you serve (from Deuteronomy 6:5,13) When you make Him your fear and your dread. (Isaiah 8:13)

Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life when you obey Him and make Him your one and only. 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching' (John 14:23).

Jesus, teach us that obedience only follows the blessing because You have already blessed us in giving us Yourself. Teach us that it is Your divine initiative we are following, and teach us to love You and therefore to follow You in the dance of life, to dance and live, in the freedom You give us. As your bond is light (Matthew 11:30) and truly You set the captives free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).

Jesus, I love You. I sacrifice my everything to follow You. I lay myself on the altar. Come and burn... take all of me. And give me Jesus.



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