Why I like the Chosen

TV series review: The Chosen (2017) directed and co-written by Dallas Jenkins

Its merits:


  • Portrayal of real events from Scripture
  • Maintaining the principles and DNA of the Bible 
  • Shows a Jesus that was both divine and human quite well
  • Demonstrates Jesus' passion and pathos in a balanced way
  • Its good quality points to the excellent Word bringing glory to God
As a TV show:
  • Entertaining and witty
  • Sympathetic to human emotion in crafting relatable nuanced story arcs and scenes for the disciples, especially
  • Brilliant story-telling through masterful plot development and good casting which 
  • Draws a wider audience than most Christian film productions
  • Crowdfunded (cool)
  • Funny director 
  • Lots of interactive extras with the cast (if you care for that)

Its drawbacks:
  • The wait for a new season (although I think they are released as quickly or quicker than mainstream, so I have nothing to complain about)
  • Overcomplicating the imaginary story arcs and therefore giving less screen time to Scripture-based scenes
This includes:
    • Including too many extra characters
    • Prolonged ''setting-the-scene' moments
    • Over-dramatising moments, which are again extra-biblical/added with creative license
    • Small one - playing to the cultural tune of adding romance to everything (I won't give spoilers...) small because so far this remains discrete and unoffensive

Overall, this series delights my Scripture-loving heart, fulfils my writer's love of strong narrative and storytelling, and creatively portrays the story of Jesus in a way that keeps me and many others entertained AND engaged. I can't wait to see more! πŸ’–


  1. I agree with All of this, though I think the Romance is probably reasonable artistic licence becuse Paul says in his letters about how the Diciples have taken along Believeing wives. and we know that when Jesus Called them Peter is the only one who is mentioned as having a wife. Now Nancy Campbell sugesstes that this is becuse the were teenagers becuse Rabbi's of the day tended to gather Teen deciples so they could train them up while they were still young, so while the chosen doesn't seem to have teen disciples, the Disciples finding wives among the women followers of Jesus does not seem to me to be too far fetched. Though I do Also Agree with your statement that It is Playing to the cultural tune.

    The thing I think is most potentially problematic is that the show is dependant on the watcher. if the audience are watching this and then taking those views into their views of the bible without critical thinking, it may be problematic. however with a reasonable about of critical thinking and willingness to study for yourself, this shoulden't be an issue.
    I keep in mind the verse, study to show yourself approved workmen rightly divining the word of truth


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