Abiding amidst disappointment


What do you do when you find yourself in a place you never wanted to be?

I never wanted to be here in life. [Insert your disappointment, delayed dream, brokenness, or situation of struggle].

But I am glad I am here if only so that Christ may be glorified in my weakness.

So that in suffering, I will rejoice that He is still good, as I wrote here recently. This blog is rather erroneously named The Happy Things; with its current crop of content, it's really about the beyond-happy, eternal joy things, that, even when things aren't happy, are available.

If you're reading this, know this is true for you, right now, today.

Turn to Him, for He is your life & the strength of your days - or He wants to be!

I love You Jesus!

You are seen, known, and you are precious, and cherished because you are made in the Image of God. 



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