Abiding and known

Abiding and known...

Jesus, You know me intimately.

'I want to slow down and taste life, give thanks, and see God'. (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, 2010, p.77)

I want to come away with You!


His invitation is:
Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away...
the time of singing has come. (Song 2:10)

To know Him, I must enter His joy.

Lord, how is it that I must rejoice at a time I feel I musn't rush the mourning and grief of this season?

I just feel He has given mourning for dancing and sackcloth for gladness... AND praise for heaviness.
Suffering is for us to rejoice that He is still good.

Well, that conflicts with my theology and how it contrasts with Ann V's.

What I do understand

This is a year of:
  • The Word of God. I need to eat the Word.
  • The Word becoming flesh in our lives. I need to abide in and live it out
  • Mission to the lost, poor and broken by giving them Jesus said and fed by this ourselves sustaining the crowds, the sick and ill, the bereaved and destitute, the hungry and the filled and the not satisfied. 

All are embraced in this command to love and love and love some more until the whole world reverberates with the force of it.

All I want is to sit in his shade, to taste and savor his delicious love... (Song 2:3 in the MESSAGE)

And to ADORE Him in return. 

Truths about my Lover:

He delights in me
His eyes feasted on me. (Song 2:4 MSG)

His love is deep and heady: He adores me.
Oh! Give me something refreshing to eat - and quickly! Apricots, raisins, anything. I'm about to faint with love! (Song 2:5 MSG)

My Lover sees and knows all.
all ears, all eyes, ready (Song 2: 9 MSG)

He is here, and He is interested in me.
My Lover has arrived, and he's speaking to me! (Song 2:10 MSG)

Continue to speak, Lord.

I delight in You.

I receive Your song ~ Zephaniah 3:17 (to be explored further)



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